Has Ekahau Reviewed Your Wireless Network Performance?

Network Optimisation , Wi-Fi

By | 11/12/2015

Network OptimisationWi-Fi

Has Ekahau Reviewed Your Wireless Network Performance?

Do you remember when wireless network performance was variable, you never really knew what you were going to get, these days it’s expected to be Ekahau Site Surveyrock-solid. One of the reasons for this of course is that wireless access points have evolved and technology has moved on.

Coverage is pretty much there, and now the capacity challenge is the growing problem. An unsung hero in the deployment of wireless networks is the site survey tool from Ekahau which has rapidly established itself as de-facto standard in wireless surveys and trouble shooting.

As the skills to deploy wireless networks increase so the need for good quality tools to guide the deployment increases. Ekahau Site Survey provides a real-time heat map showing how the coverage and capacity varies from area to area and allowing wireless professionals to know exactly how and where to place the access points, and proves that by designing the wireless network properly in the first place good coverage and capacity are easily achieved.

Why are we so excited about this?  Because last week we ran a webinar in conjunction with Ekahau on how the Site Survey tool can improve wireless network performance and we had 250 (yes 250!), wireless engineers and professionals from all over Europe attend. If you missed it check it out here.

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