Which Shark is Doing Your Network Analysis?

Network Optimisation

By | 13/11/2015

Network Optimisation

Which Shark is Doing Your Network Analysis?

There’s a shark in the shallow end…Wireshark_network_analysis

We’ve recently had great fun, and great success, educating some of our network technical customers in how to use the free Wireshark network protocol analyser utility to help them with network analysis and to diagnose and solve network problems. In a series of three Wireshark seminars in London, Birmingham and Manchester we demonstrated how useful good network packet capture and network analysis can be used to help organisations make application performance great. For those of you that missed these seminars please click here for more information: Wireshark trouble shooting strategies.

But Wireshark can only do so much. These days, as the traffic on networks grow, the applications become more complex and the need to solve even more complicated network issues grows, organisations need to invest in network analysis tools with a much greater capacity and functionality than can be achieved with a free utility (however good it is).

So what else can protect you from the sharks?

Our educational seminars were run conjunction with our much loved supplier Viavi (previously Network Instruments). Viavi’s market-leading technology GigaStor can capture terabytes of data and replay network problems that happened days ago, allowing thorough diagnosis of intermittent and complicated problems. The tremendous benefits that retrospective network analysis can bring professional IT teams are enormous and consequently the benefits organisations derive from better performing applications can save time, costs and improve performance of the business. It’s really very simple, great application performance means happy users and that means better business.

Open Reality is only too happy to share our knowledge of network analysis with all our customers, whether that’s using the free Wireshark utility or investing in Viavi’s world leading technology to investigate further at the deep end of the network pool.

Want to learn more about network analysis? Sign up to attend one of the next events by clicking here.

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