URGENT WARNING: ‘Unpaid Invoic’ Email

News , Security

By | 17/10/2014


URGENT WARNING: ‘Unpaid Invoic’ Email

Unpaid Invoic WarningThere is a new spam email doing the rounds with the heading ‘Unpaid Invoic’ (note the intentional typo). The email has a PDF or ZIP file attached which, when opened, downloads a variant of the Cryptolocker virus.

This is a new variant of the virus and therefore does not yet have anti-virus signatures.

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What is Cryptolocker?

CryptoLocker is a ransomware trojan that targets Windows machines and is believed to have first appeared in September 2013. The malware encrypts certain types of files stored on local and mounted network drives and then displays a message which offers to decrypt the data if a payment is made before a deadline.

To protect your business from harmful emails make sure you are using a cutting-edge solution like Mimecast.

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